8 research outputs found

    Building product suggestions for a BIM model based on rule sets and a semantic reasoning engine

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    The architecture, engineering and construction (AEC) industry today relies on different information systems and computational tools built to support and assist in the building design and construction. However, these systems and tools typically provide this support in isolation from each other. A good combination of these systems and tools is beneficial for a better coordination and information management. Semantic web technologies and a Linked Data approach can be used to fulfil this aim. In this paper, we indicate how these technologies can be applied for one particular objective, namely to check a building information model (BIM) and make suggestions for that model regarding the building elements. These suggestions are based on information obtained from different data sources, including a BIM model, regulations and catalogues of locally available building components. In this paper, we briefly discuss the results obtained in the application of this approach in a case study based on structural safety requirements

    A Semantic Decision Support System to optimize the energy use of public buildings

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    Cities are expected to play a key role in the implementation of Europe 2020 strategy, leading to relevant actions towards energy-efficient neighbourhoods. Although there are plenty of energy data and other related data sets available at the city level, their appropriate integration to support decision making processes for local authorities, still remains a challenge. To fill this gap, a web-based Decision Support System (DSS) has been developed within the framework of the OPTIMUS project to support the decision making process, improving the energy efficiency of buildings, by optimizing the energy use in their premises, and reducing CO 2 emissions. In this paper, we presents the semantic framework that has been developed to provide the required interoperability, between the DSS and the different data sources, using Semantic Web technologies. In this framework, the OPTIMUS ontology has been designed to capture and model the information from these data sources. Experimental results derived from the adoption of the ontology are discussed in this paper

    Integration of building product data with BIM modelling: a semantic-based product catalogue and rule checking system

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    En la indústria AEC (Arquitectura, Enginyeria, Construcció), és cada vegada més necessari automatitzar l’intercanvi d'informació en els processos en els quals intervé la tecnologia BIM (Building Information Modelling). Els experts que participen en aquests processos (arquitectes, enginyers, constructors, etc.) utilitzen diferents tipus d’aplicacions per dur a terme tasques específiques d’acord al seu àmbit de coneixement i la seva responsabilitat. Tot i que cada una d’aquestes aplicacions, separadament, compleix la seva funció, la interoperabilitat entre elles segueix sent un problema a resoldre. En aquests processos es requereix, a més, accedir a dades de fonts diverses i diferents formats, per integrar-los i fer-los accessibles a les aplicacions BIM. En aquesta tesi s’investiguen les dificultats subjacents en aquests dos problemes –la interoperabilitat entre aplicacions i la integració d’informació de múltiple fonts i formats en el context dels processos basats en tecnologies BIM– i es proposen solucions per superar-les. En primer lloc s’han examinat les ineficiències que actualment existeixen en l’intercanvi d’informació entre sistemes i aplicacions utilitzats en projectes AEC que empren la tecnologia BIM. Un cop identificades, es planteja la seva superació a través de l’aplicació de tecnologies de la Web Semàntica. Per a això, s’analitza la capacitat d’aquestes tecnologies per a integrar dades heterogènies de diferents fonts i àmbits mitjançant ontologies. Finalment, es considera la seva aplicació en el desenvolupament de projectes AEC. A partir d’aquest estudi previ, s’ha pogut concloure que les solucions per millorar la interoperabilitat entre BIM i altres aplicacions a partir de les tecnologies semàntiques estan lluny de proporcionar una solució definitiva al problema de la interoperabilitat. Per tal de proposar solucions basades en la Web Semàntica per a la integració de dades en processos en què intervenen les tecnologies BIM, s’ha acotat la investigació a un cas d’estudi: la creació d’un catàleg de components prefabricats de formigó amb tecnologies de la Web Semàntica i compatible amb la tecnologia BIM. En el context d’aquest cas d’estudi s’han desenvolupat mètodes i eines per a: 1) integrar dades de components i productes constructius en un catàleg amb contingut semàntic accessible a aplicacions BIM, i 2) aplicar regles d’inferència semàntica per examinar els components inclosos en un model BIM i proporcionar productes compatibles extrets del catàleg. La viabilitat dels mètodes i eines s’ha demostrat en un cas d’aplicació: pre-dimensionat d’elements constructius que compleixen les normatives de seguretat estructural i recerca automatitzada de components alternatius en el catàleg. Tot i demostrar el benefici potencial de les tecnologies de la Web Semàntica per millorar els processos BIM integrant dades externes, encara hi ha alguns reptes a superar, entre ells, l’escassetat de dades en format RDF i la dificultat en mantenir els enllaços entre dades quan aquests canvien. Els resultats obtinguts en aquesta investigació podrien continuar desenvolupant-se en dues direccions: 1) ampliant el catàleg a nous productes i incorporant noves fonts de dades relacionades amb els mateixos i 2) creant eines que facilitin la creació i el manteniment de regles d’inferència.En la industria AEC (Arquitectura, Ingeniería, Construcción), es cada vez más necesario automatizar el intercambio de información en los procesos en los que interviene la tecnología BIM (Building Information Modelling). Los expertos que participan en estos procesos (arquitectos, ingenieros, constructores, etc.) utilizan diferentes tipos de aplicaciones para llevar a cabo tareas específicas de acuerdo a su ámbito de conocimiento y su responsabilidad. Aunque cada una de estas aplicaciones, separadamente, cumple su función, la interoperabilidad entre ellas sigue siendo un problema a resolver. En estos procesos se requiere acceder a datos de fuentes diversas y distintos formatos, para integrarlos y hacerlos accesibles a las aplicaciones BIM. En esta tesis se investigan las dificultades que subyacen en estos dos ámbitos –la interoperabilidad entre aplicaciones y la integración de información de múltiple fuentes y formatos en el contexto de los procesos basados en tecnologías BIM– y se proponen soluciones para superarlas. En primer lugar, se han examinado las ineficiencias que actualmente existen en el intercambio de información entre sistemas y aplicaciones utilizados en proyectos AEC que emplean la tecnología BIM. Una vez identificadas, se plantea su superación a través de la aplicación de tecnologías de la Web Semántica. Para ello, se analiza la capacidad de estas tecnologías para integrar datos heterogéneos de diferentes fuentes y ámbitos mediante ontologías. Finalmente, se considera su aplicación en el desarrollo de proyectos AEC. A partir de este estudio previo, se ha podido concluir que las soluciones para mejorar la interoperabilidad entre BIM y otras aplicaciones a partir de las tecnologías semánticas están lejos de proporcionar una solución definitiva al problema de la interoperabilidad. Con el fin de proponer soluciones basadas en la Web Semántica para la integración de datos en procesos en los que intervienen las tecnologías BIM, se ha acotado la investigación a un caso de estudio: la creación de un catálogo de componentes prefabricados de hormigón con tecnologías de la Web Semántica y compatible con la tecnología BIM. En el contexto de este caso de estudio se han desarrollado métodos y herramientas para: 1) integrar datos de componentes y productos constructivos en un catálogo con contenido semántico accesible a aplicaciones BIM, y 2) aplicar reglas de inferencia semántica para examinar los componentes incluidos en un modelo BIM y proporcionar productos compatibles extraídos del catálogo. La viabilidad de los métodos y herramientas se ha demostrado en un caso de aplicación: pre-dimensionado de elementos constructivos que cumplen las normativas de seguridad estructural y búsqueda automatizada de componentes alternativos en el catálogo. A pesar de demostrar el beneficio potencial de las tecnologías de la Web Semántica para mejorar los procesos BIM integrando datos externos, todavía hay algunos retos a superar, entre ellos, la escasez de datos en formato RDF y la dificultad en mantener los enlaces entre datos cuando estos cambian. Los resultados obtenidos en esta investigación podrían continuar desarrollándose en dos direcciones: 1) ampliando el catálogo a nuevos productos e incorporando nuevas fuentes de datos relacionadas con los mismos y 2) creando herramientas que faciliten la creación y el mantenimiento de reglas de inferencia.In the AEC industry (Architecture, Engineering, Construction), it is increasingly necessary to automate the exchange of information in processes involving BIM (Building Information Modelling) technology. The experts involved in these processes (architects, engineers, builders, etc.) use different types of applications to carry out specific tasks according to their scope of knowledge and their responsibility. Although each of these applications separately fulfils its function, interoperability between them remains a problem to be solved. In these processes it is also necessary to access data from different sources and different formats to integrate them and make them accessible to BIM applications. This research investigates the difficulties that underlie these two problems – interoperability between applications and the integration of information in the context of processes based on BIM technologies – and propose solutions to overcome them. In the first place, the inefficiencies that currently exist in the exchange of information between systems and applications used in AEC projects using BIM technology have been examined. Once identified, our objective has been to overcome them through the application of Semantic Web technologies. To do this, the ability of these technologies to integrate heterogeneous data from different sources and domains using ontologies is analysed. Finally, we considered their application in the development of AEC projects. From this previous study, it has been concluded that developed solutions to improve interoperability between BIM and other applications using semantic technologies are still far from providing a definitive solution to the problem of interoperability. In order to propose solutions based on the Semantic Web for the integration of data in processes involving BIM technologies, the research has been limited to a case study: the creation of a catalogue of precast concrete components with semantic technologies which are compatible with BIM technology. In the context of this case study, we have developed methods and tools to (1) integrate data on components and constructive products in a catalogue with semantic content compatible with BIM technology, and (2) apply the rules of semantic inference to examine the components used on a BIM model and provide compatible products extracted from the catalogue. The feasibility of the methods and tools has been demonstrated in an application case: pre-dimensioned structural elements that comply with structural safety regulations and the automated search of alternative components in the catalogue. Despite demonstrating the potential of Semantic Web technologies to improve BIM processes by integrating external data, there are still some challenges to overcome, including the shortage of data in RDF format and the difficulty in the maintenance of the links between the data when they change. The results obtained in this research could continue to be developed in two directions (1) expanding the catalogue to new products and integrating new data sources related to them and (2) creating tools that facilitate the creation and maintenance of inference rules

    Energy-Related Data Integration Using Semantic Data Models for Energy Efficient Retrofitting Projects

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    Energy efficient retrofitting projects of urban areas require to analyze data from multiple sources and domains—BIM, GIS, statistics, energy data, and climate. An interoperability solution is needed to overcome the semantic and structural heterogeneity of the data sources. Within OptEEmAL project, we have design and implemented a District Data Model which integrates multiple data sources and makes them interoperable with several simulation tools (Energy plus, Nest, CitySim) using Semantic Web technologies, namely, ontologies and SPARQL construct queries


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    Is it possible to isolate inner space from the need to see it as a volume from outside and to concentrate on the design of space itself? IN-SPACE is a web-based modelling tool especially conceived to give form to space, within space itself. With this tool, space is shaped from within, as we move through it expanding and contracting its limits. Starting from a cell located at the center of a three-dimensional grid, voids are carved by projecting the position of the viewer outwards along each of the three axes. As the avatar moves in this grid, space is being shaped. Conversely, voids can be undone projecting the position of a cell inwards towards the position of the view. Sounds, images and texts can be added to the cells that make a space. Once a space is created, the avatar can move inside the space or it can be driven automatically along the paths that have generated the space. Architecture students use this tool to develop their capacities of space conception as well as of space perception and orientation

    Semantisation of Rules for Automated Compliance Checking

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    International audienceThe Architecture, Engineering, and Construction (AEC) industry is subject to numerous regulations and standards that govern the design, construction, and maintenance of buildings and infrastructure. These regulations often involve complex language and technical jargon, which can be difficult to understand and apply in practice. Semantisation, or the process of transforming natural language into machine-readable data with explicit meaning, can address this challenge by creating structured representations of regulations that can be exchanged and processed by computers. This can enable automated compliance checking, facilitate communication between stakeholders, and improve the efficiency and effectiveness of regulatory enforcement

    Semantisation of Rules for Automated Compliance Checking

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    International audienceThe Architecture, Engineering, and Construction (AEC) industry is subject to numerous regulations and standards that govern the design, construction, and maintenance of buildings and infrastructure. These regulations often involve complex language and technical jargon, which can be difficult to understand and apply in practice. Semantisation, or the process of transforming natural language into machine-readable data with explicit meaning, can address this challenge by creating structured representations of regulations that can be exchanged and processed by computers. This can enable automated compliance checking, facilitate communication between stakeholders, and improve the efficiency and effectiveness of regulatory enforcement